command rst test
Module cmd_rst
class CmdRST (paramL, labelD, folderD, localD)
:param paramL: description :type paramL: type :param labelD: description :type labelD: type :param folderD: description :type folderD: type :param localD: description :type localD: type :return: description :rtype: type
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class CmdRST(): def __init__(self, paramL, labelD, folderD, localD): """_summary_ :param paramL: _description_ :type paramL: _type_ :param labelD: _description_ :type labelD: _type_ :param folderD: _description_ :type folderD: _type_ :param localD: _description_ :type localD: _type_ :return: _description_ :rtype: _type_ """ self.localD = localD self.folderD = folderD self.labelD = labelD self.widthII = labelD["widthI"] - 1 self.paramL = paramL self.errlogP = folderD["errlogP"] modnameS = self.labelD["modnameS"] # print(f"{modnameS=}") logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)-8s " + modnameS + " %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", datefmt="%m-%d %H:%M", filename=self.errlogP, filemode="w", ) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") fileS = paramL[0].strip() if fileS[0:4] == "data": self.currP = folderD["docpathP"] self.relP = fileS elif fnmatch.fnmatch(fileS[0:5], "r[0-9]"): self.currP = Path(folderD["pubP"]) else: self.currP = Path(folderD["prvP"]) def project(self): """insert project information from csv, xlsx or syk :return lineS: md table :rtype: str """ alignD = {"s": "", "d": "decimal", "c": "center", "r": "right", "l": "left"} tableS = "" plenI = 2 if len(self.paramL) != plenI: f"{self.cmdS} not evaluated: {plenI} parameters required") return folderP = Path(self.folderD["prvP"]) fileP = Path(self.paramL[0].strip()) pathP = Path(folderP, fileP) # file path extS = (pathP.suffix).strip() txttypeS = self.paramL[1].strip() with open(pathP, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f2: txtfileL = f2.readlines() j = "" if extS == ".txt": # print(f"{txttypeS=}") if txttypeS == "plain": for iS in txtfileL: j += " " + iS return "\n\n::\n\n" + j + "\n\n" elif txttypeS == "code": pass elif txttypeS == "tags": xtagC = parse.RivtParseTag( self.folderD, self.labelD, self.localD) xrstS, self.labelD, self.folderD, self.localD = xtagC.rst_parse( txtfileL) return xrstS else: f"{self.cmdS} not evaluated: {extS} file not processed") return def image(self): """insert image from file Args: il (list): image parameters """ rstS = "" iL = self.paramL if len(iL[0].split(",")) == 1: scale1S = iL[1].strip() file1S = iL[0].strip() img1S = str(Path(self.currP, file1S)) img1S = img1S.replace("\\", "/") rstS = ("\n.. image:: " + img1S + "\n" + " :scale: " + scale1S + "%" + "\n" + " :align: center" + "\n\n" ) elif len(iL[0].split(",")) == 2: iL = iL[0].split(",") file1S = iL[0].strip() file2S = iL[1].strip() iL = iL[1].split(",") scale1S = iL[0] scale2S = iL[1] img1S = str(Path(self.currP, file1S)) img2S = str(Path(self.currP, file1S)) img1S = img1S.replace("\\", "/") img2S = img2S.replace("\\", "/") rstS = ("|L| . |R|" + "\n\n" + ".. |L| image:: " + img1S + "\n" + " :width: " + scale1S + "%" + "\n\n" + ".. |R| image:: " + img2S + "\n" + " :width: " + scale2S + "%" + "\n\n" ) return rstS def table(self): """insert table from csv or xlsx file Args: ipl (list): parameter list """ alignD = {"s": "", "d": "decimal", "c": "center", "r": "right", "l": "left"} tableS = "" plenI = 4 if len(self.paramL) != plenI: f"{self.cmdS} command not evaluated: {plenI} parameters required") return if self.paramL[0] == "data": folderP = Path(self.folderD["dataP"]) else: folderP = Path(self.folderD["dataP"]) fileP = Path(self.paramL[1].strip()) pathP = Path(folderP / fileP) # file path maxwI = int(self.paramL[2].split(",")[0]) # max column width alignS = alignD[self.paramL[2].split(",")[1].strip()] align2S = self.paramL[2].split(",")[1].strip() colS = self.paramL[3].strip() # rows read extS = (pathP.suffix).strip() # file suffix if extS == ".csv": # read csv file with open(pathP, "r") as csvfile: readL = list(csv.reader(csvfile)) elif extS == ".xlsx": # read xls file pdfO = pd.read_excel(pathP, header=None) readL = pdfO.values.tolist() else: f"{self.cmdS} command not evaluated: {extS} files not processed") return sys.stdout.flush() old_stdout = sys.stdout output = StringIO() output.write(tabulate(readL, tablefmt="rst", maxcolwidths=maxwI, headers="firstrow", numalign="decimal")) rstS = output.getvalue() sys.stdout = old_stdout # restS = ".. raw:: latex" + "\n\n" # align cells # # for i in rstS.split("\n"): # # counter = i.count("&") # # if counter > 0: # # cS = "{|" + (align2S + "|") * (counter + 1) + "}" # # cS = "{" + align2S * (counter + 1) + "}" # # continue # restS += " \\vspace{.15in}" + "\n" # inrstS = "" # for i in rstS.split("\n"): # inrstS += " " + i + "\n\n" # restS = restS + inrstS # restS += " \\vspace{.15in}\n" restS = "\n" + rstS + "\n\n" return restS def text(self): """insert text from file || text | folder | file | type | shade """ plenI = 3 if len(self.paramL) != plenI: f"{self.cmdS} command not evaluated: \ {plenI} parameters required") return if self.paramL[0] == "data": folderP = Path(self.folderD["dataP"]) else: folderP = Path(self.folderD["dataP"]) fileP = Path(self.paramL[1].strip()) pathP = Path(folderP / fileP) txttypeS = self.paramL[2].strip() extS = pathP.suffix with open(pathP, "r", encoding="md-8") as f1: txtfileS = with open(pathP, "r", encoding="md-8") as f2: txtfileL = f2.readlines() j = "" if extS == ".txt": # print(f"{txttypeS=}") if txttypeS == "plain": for iS in txtfileL: j += " " + iS return "\n\n::\n\n" + j + "\n\n" elif txttypeS == "code": pass elif txttypeS == "tags": xtagC = parse.RivtParseTag( self.folderD, self.labelD, self.localD) xrstS, self.labelD, self.folderD, self.localD = xtagC.rst_parse( txtfileL) return xrstS elif extS == ".html": txtS = ".. raw:: html" + "\n\n" for iS in txtfileL: j += " " + iS return txtS + j + "\n\n" elif extS == ".tex": if txttypeS == "plain": txtS = ".. raw:: latex" + "\n\n" for iS in txtfileL: j += " " + iS return txtS + j + "\n\n" if txttypeS == "math": txtS = ".. math:: " + "\n\n" for iS in txtfileL: j += " " + iS return txtS + j + "\n\n"
def image(self)
insert image from file
- image parameters
def project(self)
insert project information from csv, xlsx or syk
:return lineS: md table :rtype: str
def table(self)
insert table from csv or xlsx file
- parameter list
def text(self)
insert text from file
|| text | folder | file | type | shade