
parse test

parse API documentation

Module parse

parse module


class RivtParse (methS, folderD, labelD, rivtD)

format rivt-strings as utf and rst files

rivt-strings as utf and reST line by line

:param dict folderD: folder paths :param dict labelD: numbers that increment :param dict outputS: output type :param dict outputS: output type

Expand source code
class RivtParse:
    """format rivt-strings as utf and rst files"""

    def __init__(self, methS, folderD, labelD,  rivtD):
        """ rivt-strings as utf and reST line by line

            :param dict folderD: folder paths
            :param dict labelD: numbers that increment
            :param dict outputS: output type
            :param dict outputS: output type

        self.rivtD = rivtD
        self.folderD = folderD  # folder paths
        self.labelD = labelD      # incrementing formats
        self.errlogP = folderD["errlogP"]
        self.methS = methS

        hdrstS = """"""
        hdreadS = """"""
        hdutfS = """"""""

        # section headings
        xmdS = xrstS = xutfS = ""
        rL = rS.split("\n")

        rsL = rS.split("|")              # function string as list
        titleS = rsL[0].strip()          #
        labelD["tocS"] = rsL[1].strip()  # set redaction
        labelD["pageI"] = int(rsL[2])    # set background color
        if rS.strip()[0:2] == "--":         # omit section heading
            return "\n", "\n", "\n"

        headS ="%Y-%m-%d | %I:%M%p") + "\n"
        labelD["docS"] = titleS
        bordrS = labelD["widthI"] * "="
        hdutfS = (headS + "\n" + bordrS + "\n" + titleS + "\n" + bordrS + "\n")
        hdmdS = (headS + "\n## " + titleS + "\n")

        snumI = labelD["secnumI"] + 1
        labelD["secnumI"] = snumI
        docnumS = labelD["docnumS"]
        dnumS = docnumS + "-[" + str(snumI) + "]"
        headS = dnumS + " " + titleS
        bordrS = labelD["widthI"] * "-"

        hdutfS = bordrS + "\n" + headS + "\n" + bordrS + "\n"
        hdmdS = "### " + headS + "\n"
        hdrstS += (
            ".. raw:: latex"
            + "   \n\n ?x?vspace{.2in} "
            + "   ?x?begin{tcolorbox} "
            + "   ?x?textbf{ " + titleS + "}"
            + "   ?x?hfill?x?textbf{SECTION " + dnumS + " }"
            + "   ?x?end{tcolorbox}"
            + "   \n" + "   ?x?newline" + "   ?x?vspace{.05in}"
            + "\n\n")

#        print(hdutfS)
#        return hdutfS, hdmdS, hdrstS

        utfS += hutfS
        rstS += hrstS

        # valid commands and tags
        if methS == "R":
            self.cmdL = ["run", "process"]

            self.tagsD = {"link]": "link", "line]": "line", "page]": "page"}

        elif methS == "I":
            self.cmdL = ["image", "table", "text"]

            self.tagsD = {"b]": "bold", "i]": "italic", "u]": "underline",
                          "c]": "center", "r]": "right",
                          "e]": "equation", "f]": "figure", "t]": "table",
                          "#]": "foot", "d]": "description",
                          "l]": "latex", "s]": "sympy",
                          "link]": "link", "line]": "line", "page]": "page",
                          "[c]]": "centerblk",  "[p]]": "plainblk",
                          "[l]]": "latexblk", "[m]]": "mathblk",
                          "[o]]": "codeblk", "[q]]": "quitblk"}

        elif methS == "V":
            self.cmdL = ["image", "table", "text", "assign", "declare"]

            self.tagsD = {"e]": "equation", "f]": "figure", "t]": "table",
                          "#]": "foot", "d]": "description",
                          "l]": "latex", "s]": "sympy",
                          ":=": "declare",  "=": "assign"}

        elif methS == "T":
            self.cmdL = []

            self.tagsD = {}

        elif methS == "W":
            self.cmdL = []

            self.tagsD = {}

        modnameS = __name__.split(".")[1]
        # print(f"{modnameS=}")
            format="%(asctime)-8s  " + modnameS +
            "   %(levelname)-8s %(message)s",
            datefmt="%m-%d %H:%M",
        # self.rivtD.update(locals())

    def str_parse(self, strL):
        """parse method string line by line starting with second line

            :param list strL: split method string
            :return mdS: md formatted string
            :return rstS: reST formatted string
            :return labelD: increment references
            :return folderD: folder paths
            :rtype mdS: string
            :rtype rstS: string
            :rtype folderD: dictionary
            :rtype labelD: dictionary

        xutfS = """"""      # utfS local string
        xmdS = """"""       # mdS local string
        xrstS = """"""      # rstS local string
        uS = """"""         # raw local line
        blockB = False

        # table alignment
        hdrdL = ["variable", "value", "[value]", "description"]
        aligndL = ["left", "right", "right", "left"]
        hdraL = ["variable", "value", "[value]", "description [eq. number]"]
        alignaL = ["left", "right", "right", "left"]

        blockevalL = []     # current value table
        blockevalB = False  # stop accumulation of values
        vtableL = []        # value table for export
        eqL = []            # equation result table
        lineS = ""
        for uS in strL:
            # print(f"{blockassignB=}")
            # print(f"{uS=}")
            uS = uS[4:]                                # remove indent
            if blockB:                                 # accumulate block
                lineS += uS
            if blockB and uS.strip() == "[q]]":        # end of block
                tagS = self.tagsD["[q]"]
                rvtS = tag_utf.TagsUTF(lineS, tagS,
                                       self.labelD, self.folderD,  self.rivtD)
                xutfS += rvtS + "\n"
                rvtS = tag_md.TagsMD(lineS, tagS,
                                     self.labelD, self.folderD,  self.rivtD)
                xmdS += rvtS + "\n"
                rvtS = tag_rst.TagsRST(lineS, tagS,
                                       self.labelD, self.folderD,  self.rivtD)
                xrstS += rvtS + "\n"
                blockB = False
            if blockevalB and len(uS.strip()) < 2:    # value tables
                vtableL += blockevalL
                if tfS == "declare":
                    vutfS = self.dtable(blockevalL, hdrdL,
                                        "rst", aligndL) + "\n\n"
                    vmdS = self.dtable(blockevalL, hdrdL,
                                       "html", aligndL) + "\n\n"
                    xutfS += vutfS
                    xmdS += vmdS
                    xrstS += vutfS
                if tfS == "assign":
                    vutfS = self.dtable(blockevalL, hdrdL,
                                        "rst", aligndL) + "\n\n"
                    vmdS = self.atable(blockevalL, hdraL,
                                       "html", alignaL) + "\n\n"
                    xutfS += vutfS
                    xmdS += vmdS
                    xrstS += vutfS
                blockevalL = []
                blockevalB = False
            elif uS[0:2] == "||":                      # commands
                usL = uS[2:].split("|")
                parL = usL[1:]
                cmdS = usL[0].strip()
                if cmdS in self.cmdL:
                    rvtC = cmd_utf.CmdUTF(
                        parL, self.labelD, self.folderD, self.rivtD)
                    utfS = rvtC.cmd_parse(cmdS)
                    # print(f"{utfS=}")
                    xutfS += utfS
                    rvtC = cmd_md.CmdMD(
                        parL, self.labelD, self.folderD, self.rivtD)
                    mdS = rvtC.cmd_parse(cmdS)
                    # print(f"{mdS=}")
                    xmdS += mdS
                    rvtC = cmd_rst.CmdRST(
                        parL, self.labelD, self.folderD, self.rivtD)
                    reS = rvtC.cmd_parse(cmdS)
                    xrstS += reS
            elif "_[" in uS:                           # line tag
                usL = uS.split("_[")
                lineS = usL[0]
                tagS = usL[1].strip()
                if tagS[0] == "[":                     # block tag
                    blockB = True
                if tagS in self.tagsD:
                    rvtC = tag_utf.TagsUTF(lineS, self.labelD, self.folderD,
                                           self.tagsD, self.rivtD)
                    utfxS = rvtC.tag_parse(tagS)
                    xutfS += utfxS + "\n"
                    rvtC = tag_md.TagsMD(lineS, self.labelD, self.folderD,
                                         self.tagsD, self.rivtD)
                    mdS = rvtC.tag_parse(tagS)
                    xmdS += mdS + "\n"
                    rvtC = tag_rst.TagsRST(lineS, self.labelD, self.folderD,
                                           self.tagsD, self.rivtD)
                    reS = rvtC.tag_parse(tagS)
                    xrstS += reS + "\n"
            elif "=" in uS and self.methS == "V":       # equation tag
                # print(f"{uS=}")
                usL = uS.split("|")
                lineS = usL[0]
                self.labelD["unitS"] = usL[1].strip()
                self.labelD["descS"] = usL[2].strip()
                rvtC = tag_md.TagsMD(lineS, self.labelD, self.folderD,
                if ":=" in uS:                         # declare tag
                    tfS = "declare"

                    rvtC = tag_rst.TagsRST(lineS, self.labelD, self.folderD,
                    eqL = rvtC.tag_parse(":=")
                    blockevalB = True
                    tfS = "assign"                     # assign tag
                    eqL = rvtC.tag_parse("=")
                    mdS += eqL[1]

                    rvtC = tag_rst.TagsRST(lineS, self.labelD, self.folderD,
                    eqL = rvtC.tag_parse("=")
                    rstS += eqL[1]
                    blockevalB = True
                print(uS)       # pass unformatted string

        # export values
        valP = Path(self.folderD["dataP"], self.folderD["valfileS"])
        with open(valP, "w", newline="") as f:
            writecsv = csv.writer(f)

        return (xutfS, xmdS, xrstS,  self.labelD, self.folderD, self.rivtD)

    def atable(self, tblL, hdreL, tblfmt, alignaL):
        """write assign values table"""


        valL = []
        for vaL in tblL:

            varS = vaL[0].strip()
            valS = vaL[1].strip()
            unit1S, unit2S = vaL[2], vaL[3]
            descripS = vaL[4].strip()
            if unit1S != "-":
                if type(eval(valS)) == list:
                    val1U = array(eval(valS)) * eval(unit1S)
                    val2U = [q.cast_unit(eval(unit2S)) for q in val1U]
                    cmdS = varS + "= " + valS
                    exec(cmdS, globals(), locals())
                    valU = eval(varS)
                    val1U = str(valU.cast_unit(eval(unit1S)))
                    val2U = str(valU.cast_unit(eval(unit2S)))
                cmdS = varS + "= " + valS
                exec(cmdS, globals(), locals())
                valU = eval(varS)
                val1U = str(valU)
                val2U = str(valU)
            valL.append([varS, val1U, val2U, descripS])

        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        output = StringIO()
                valL, tablefmt=tblfmt, headers=hdreL,
                showindex=False,  colalign=alignaL))
        mdS = output.getvalue()
        sys.stdout = old_stdout

        print("\n" + mdS+"\n")
        return mdS

    def dtable(self, tblL, hdrvL, tblfmt, alignvL):
        """write declare values table"""


        valL = []
        for vaL in tblL:
            varS = vaL[0].strip()
            valS = vaL[1].strip()
            unit1S, unit2S = vaL[2], vaL[3]
            descripS = vaL[4].strip()
            if unit1S != "-":
                if type(eval(valS)) == list:
                    val1U = array(eval(valS)) * eval(unit1S)
                    val2U = [q.cast_unit(eval(unit2S)) for q in val1U]
                    cmdS = varS + "= " + valS + " * " + unit1S
                    exec(cmdS, globals(), locals())
                    valU = eval(varS)
                    val1U = str(valU.cast_unit(eval(unit1S)))
                    val2U = str(valU.cast_unit(eval(unit2S)))
                cmdS = varS + "= " + valS
                exec(cmdS, globals(), locals())
                valU = eval(varS)
                val1U = str(valU)
                val2U = str(valU)
            valL.append([varS, val1U, val2U, descripS])

        old_stdout = sys.stdout
        output = StringIO()
                valL, tablefmt=tblfmt, headers=hdrvL,
                showindex=False,  colalign=alignvL))
        mdS = output.getvalue()
        sys.stdout = old_stdout


        print("\n" + mdS+"\n")
        return mdS


def atable(self, tblL, hdreL, tblfmt, alignaL)

write assign values table

def dtable(self, tblL, hdrvL, tblfmt, alignvL)

write declare values table

def str_parse(self, strL)

parse method string line by line starting with second line

:param list strL: split method string :return mdS: md formatted string :return rstS: reST formatted string :return labelD: increment references :return folderD: folder paths :rtype mdS: string :rtype rstS: string :rtype folderD: dictionary :rtype labelD: dictionary